Monday, October 22, 2007

Back in control

I realized this a long time ago,
This is my life.
God put me back in control.
If I do not control my life,
It will be controlled by my friends or my foe.
You heard me right.
This is my life.
I will remain in control.

This is my life, my world,
Therefore, I only depend upon God.
I do not take chances with my life.
I understand in this world,
I get only one stupid mistake.
You heard me right,
This is my life,
I will remain in control.

So rant and rage all you who want
By me, you will never be heard.
I listen only to God,
Trying my best to follow His Word,
Careful to pray out life’s every risk.
My mind, God will help me make up.
You heard me right,
For the last time, I hope.
This is my life.
I will remain in control.

Copyright 2007
Reginald L. Walker

All intellectual property of this author has been copyrighted and all rights are reserved by Pastor Reginald Levi Walker.

(additional information about the meaning of Nabahood23)

Not Anger But Action will solve the problems of our nieghborHOODs.

23 stands for the 23rd Psalms.

P.S. 23 stands for 'God loves you, therefore, I love you, too.'

Those stories of old

We should always listen to the word of the prophets.
We should always listen to those glorious stories of old.
Their stories have changed many lives.
Their wise words came straight the Lord.

The prophets will tell you all about Lucifer.
Moreover, how against God, he did rebel.
He fought a good hard fight.
Still, Lucifer was sent all the way to hell.

The prophet will warn you of the evil plot of Lucifer.
This plot is carried out by his hellish angels and their crew.
They are hoping to catch you spiritually asleep.
God only knows what to you they have been sent to do.

Lucifer has sent out his demonic force.
He is hoping from God’s side, us he can persuade.
He thinks that with his angels and the rest of mankind,
Heaven, Lucifer can invade.

To the field of Armageddon, comes Lucifer vast army.
He brought every demon he could not spare.
Because of his great numbers, he smelled victory.
Therefore, Lucifer decided to watch from his lair

However, God already knew the number,
One by one, he had counted them.
Lucifer would have shook and his demons never would have come
If they knew about the beating, they would get from Him.

Swiftly from heaven, came a third of God’s mighty Army of Angels.
They quickly wipe most of the demons away.
They beat some and destroyed some.
The rest God sent to Hell to stay.

Then mankind was judged from the Book of Life.
We will be judged for our part in this Lucifer mess.
Have you been washed by the blood of the Lamb of God?
If not, you will be sent to hell with Lucifer and the rest.

God has made a New Jerusalem.
The prophets say it is made from rubies, diamonds, and gold.
God wants to take each of us there.
We must listen to those glorious stories of old

Copyright 2007
Reginald L. Walker

All intellectual property of this author has been copyrighted and all rights are reserved by Pastor Reginald Levi Walker.

(additional information about the meaning of Nabahood23)

Not Anger But Action will solve the problems of our nieghborHOODs.

23 stands for the 23rd Psalms.

P.S. 23 stands for 'God loves you, therefore, I love you, too.'


Surrounded by the love of God
To grand and heavenly heights
The spirit of man can soar
Where it touches the reams of heaven.

Surrounded by the love of God
The mind can reason and understand
Things that are unimaginable to the wise,
But in God’s sight foolish knowledge.

Surrounded by the love of God
We can climb the ladder of success
We can reach any pinnacle we strive for
All for the glory of God.

Surrounded by the love of God
God will be please and praise us
Not for what we may do
Rather for the love, we have for Him.

Copyright 2007
Reginald L. Walker

All intellectual property of this author has been copyrighted and all rights are reserved by Pastor Reginald Levi Walker.

(additional information about the meaning of Nabahood23)

Not Anger But Action will solve the problems of our nieghborHOODs.

23 stands for the 23rd Psalms.

P.S. 23 stands for 'God loves you, therefore, I love you, too.'

Sunday, October 21, 2007

A Wise Look At Reality

A wise look at reality reveals wonderful yet confusing things.
We see ourselves as we are.
We wonder what the future will bring.
Wisdom is not in the time we spend
Trying hard to make our dreams come true.
Wisdom is not in the accomplishments we make
So our memories will forever live.
Wisdom is not in the things we give
When we help our brothers and sisters.
Wisdom is not in the kind deeds and words of encouragement
That we do and say all day
Because in reality, the picture becomes vividly clear.
Some people, we were sent to help.
Some people, we are just not to mess with.
Wisdom is not in our accomplishments.
It is not in our deeds or words of encouragement.
A wise look at reality reveals wisdom is only found in God.

A wise look at reality reveals happiness and unexplainable joy.
God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit control the things of our lives.
Wisdom is found in failure and success.
If we trust in God,
No matter what the fate may be
God is more than those against us.
Wisdom is found in constant and serious prayer.
We should always seek the will of God.
When we accept Jesus as God’s only Son,
He becomes our savior and first reason to live.
Wisdom is found in the Scriptures.
Wisdom is revealed through the Holy Spirit.
God’s wisdom will give us power, love, and a sound mind.
His wisdom is ours just for the asking.
Because in reality, God is in control of everything.
A wise look at reality reveals wisdom is only found in God.

Copyright 2007
Pastor Reginald L. Walker

All intellectual property of this author has been copyrighted and all rights are reserved by Pastor Reginald Levi Walker.

(additional information about the meaning of Nabahood23)

Not Anger But Action will solve the problems of our nieghborHOODs.

23 stands for the 23rd Psalms.

P.S. 23 stands for 'God loves you, therefore, I love you, too.'

In Thy Kingdom

Grant me, O lord
The strength to complete the tasks that you have placed before me.
Let me continue to toil yet one more day doing thy work.
Give me the courage to walk this path of righteousness.
Allow me to stay on it for thine sake and thine alone.
Fill me with the wisdom to understand the magnitude of your love.
It extends deeper than any pit of despair,
It reaches higher than any pinnacle of success I may be on.
Please, let me never forget you.
Without you, success is in vain.
Failure is imminent.
Life is empty.
With you I can achieve anything I set my mind to,
As long as it is within your will.
For my hope and joy shall always be rooted and ground
In the revelation that as soon as this life ends
I will begin anew in thy kingdom.

Copyright 2007

Pastor Reginald L. Walker

All intellectual property of this author has been copyrighted and all rights are reserved by Pastor Reginald Levi Walker.

(additional information about the meaning of Nabahood23)

Not Anger But Action will solve the problems of our nieghborHOODs.

23 stands for the 23rd Psalms.

P.S. 23 stands for 'God loves you, therefore, I love you, too.'


Saved And Set Free

That was unquestionably wonderful.
I will give you that one.
I give you three standing ovations,
For a job that was very well done.

For all the words you said,
My heavenly Father, I truly thank you.
For the strength, not to be afraid,
For that too, I thank you.

Thank you, O’ God,
For everything that you provide.
You take exemplary care of me
In you, I do confide.

You are glorious and magnificent.
This, I know, is very true.
God, you are my Lord and my King.
I will only listen to you.

I tell you of my troubles and my cares.
You listen and help me to overcome my enemies.
Forever I will say, Lord, I thank you.
You answer my cries and my pleas.

My hope is built on nothing less,
Than Jesus, the Christ, who died for me.
I thank you, O’ God,
You saved me, then set me free.

Copyright 2007
Reginald L. Walker

All intellectual property of this author has been copyrighted and all rights are reserved by Pastor Reginald Levi Walker.

(additional information about the meaning of Nabahood23)

Not Anger But Action will solve the problems of our nieghborHOODs.

23 stands for the 23rd Psalms.

P.S. 23 stands for 'God loves you, therefore, I love you, too.'

That hope I have in Jesus, the Christ

I am caught and guilty in the sight of God.
There is no need for a trial for I am guilty and it is true.
The words about me that breeze through the vine,
Not all are just gossip; some are indeed true.

I am caught by those trying to see.
Found and brought forth like the prostitute of old.
I am caught and it is a scary thing.
There is no place to hide from an all seeing God.

Yet, I know deep down in my heart,
I know that there is still hope in Jesus, the Christ.
That bright flame of hope shall never die.
That everlasting hope, I have in Jesus, the Christ.

Yet, I know that God will hear my prayers.
Even, when I no longer run this race,
My God shall have mercy and forgive
Because of that hope, I have in Jesus, the Christ.

Copyright 2007
Reginald L. Walker

All intellectual property of this author has been copyrighted and all rights are reserved by Pastor Reginald Levi Walker.

(additional information about the meaning of Nabahood23)

Not Anger But Action will solve the problems of our nieghborHOODs.

23 stands for the 23rd Psalms.

P.S. 23 stands for 'God loves you, therefore, I love you, too.'

Think on this, a poetic series

Think on this:

Man kind!
If man was really kind
We would not treat each other this way.
When that bad thought jumps in our mind.
Think about this before the words we say.

So that a man thinks,
So is he.

When life situations and circumstances try to control how I enjoy life,
I must often remind them and myself who God put in control.
Lucifer is so crafty. He tries to persuade me that he is in control.
Nevertheless, I read Psalms 8.
God put me in control.

Thou made him a little bit lower than Elohim.
And crowned him with glory and majesty.
Thou made him to rule over the works of Thou hands,
And put everything under his feet.

I am mean
I mean what I say.
I say what I mean.
By all means, I stand by what I say
Because my words means everything me.

I say to you, that every careless word that men shall speak,
They shall render account of it on Judgment day.
For by your words you shall be justified,
And by your words, you shall be condemned.

Get a bible that you can understand when you read it
Read your bible to understand it.
God does not need our help to make the sunrise everyday.
Therefore, God does not need help telling you what the Scriptures say.
The Scriptures are so simple that even a fool can not err.
Therefore, if you miss heaven because you could not understand
What you read in the Holy Scriptures, then, it is your fault.

Now these were more noble-minded than those in Thessalonica,
For they received the word with great eagerness
Examining the Scriptures daily
To see whether these things were so.

Think on this, again:

God is good.
I am made in His image and likeness.
Look at me.
Am I good?
On the other hand,
Am I just a waste of skin and bones?
Only two people can answer this question.
One is God and the other is not you.

God saw all that He had made,
And, behold, it was very good.

I use to give hell to everyone along the way.
I forgot for every misdeed, I must pay.
If I wanted something, I stole it.
However, I had a fit the day my house was hit.
Indeed, I had forgot what the Bible does say.
Whatever I plant in the ground, the same shall come back my way.

If you give,
It shall be given unto you.

When life gave me more trouble than I could bare,
I would give trouble to someone for whom I did not care.
It seemed like the more trouble that I caused each day,
The more trouble came back my way.
Indeed, I had forgot what the Bible does say.
What I give out, I will get back one day.

Whatever a man sows
That also shall he reap.

Think on this once more:

A man, one day, got out of his bed,
However, his feet never touched the floor.
You see, this man was dead.
The funeral director took him out the door.
I hope he knew what the bible does say.
We will have to stand before the throne of God, one day.

If anyone's name was not found written in the Book of Life,
He was thrown it to the lake of fire.

Are you prepared?
No matter whom you are,
You will go to heaven.
You will look Him in the face.
The question is
Will you be there to stay?
Everyone does go to heaven.
However, not everyone gets to stay.

Every man, born of a woman,
Must die.

To the doctor, I must constantly go
Because my aches and pains hurt me so.
Gladly, I will take all his pills,
God, I hope they will heal my ills.
To the office for years, I went.
Imagine how much money, I spent.
At last, on my deathbed, here I lie.
God, I wish they will just let me die.
One thing I forgot, in the bible, I read
Jesus can heal me even on my deathbed.

He was pierced through for our transgressions,
He was crushed for our iniquity;
The chastening for our peace fell upon Him,
And by His strips, we are healed.

Think on this, one more time:

My old friends think I am a fool.
To follow Jesus, all around.
My God, He really rules.
He will never let me down.
My old friends come and they go.
They always chase fortune and fame.
Jesus is my real friend, you know.
He knows more than just my name.

Finally, brethren,
Whatever is true,
Whatever is honorable,
Whatever is right,
Whatever is pure,
Whatever is lovely,
Whatever is of good repute,
If there is any excellence,
And if anything is worthy of praise,
Let you mind dwell on these things.

With the words, I say, you might not quite agree.
However, the words I say are my story to tell.
Only I can tell my story the way that it ought to be.
The way I tell my story is what makes it sell.

They overcame him (Lucifer) because of the blood of the Lamb,
Because of the word of their testimony,
And they did not love their life even unto death.

My God, My God why has thou forsaken me.
Are just a few of the words my savior said.
One day, God allows his son to die upon a tree,
Three days later, God raises him from the dead.

Worthy are thou (Jesus), to take the book and break its seals;
For thou was slain and did purchase for God with thou blood
Men from every tribe and tongue, and people and nation.

Why mothers die and fathers cry,
Is something I do not even know.
However, I will believe this until the day I die,
All things will be revealed when to heaven we go.

For the Lamb in the center of the throne shall be their shepherd,
And shall guide them to springs of the water of life,
And God shall wipe every tear from their eyes.

All intellectual property of this author has been copyrighted and all rights are reserved by Pastor Reginald Levi Walker.

(additional information about the meaning of Nabahood23)

Not Anger But Action will solve the problems of our nieghborHOODs.

23 stands for the 23rd Psalms.

P.S. 23 stands for 'God loves you, therefore, I love you, too.'

Distress Call

Never leave Jesus Christ
Out of anything that you do
For when problems presses from every side
He will be right there to bring you through.

When the weights of trials and tribulations
Seem too much for you to endure
Hold on to the promise
That Jesus is always there.

This simple message of love and hope
Is sent from God and addressed to all.
If you believe in Jesus Christ
He will always answer your distress call

Copyright 2007
Reginald L. Walker

All intellectual property of this author has been copyrighted and all rights are reserved by Pastor Reginald Levi Walker.

(additional information about the meaning of Nabahood23)

Not Anger But Action will solve the problems of our nieghborHOODs.

23 stands for the 23rd Psalms.

P.S. 23 stands for 'God loves you, therefore, I love you, too.'

Friday, October 19, 2007

My God, My Lord and My King

O’ God, why are you mad at me?
What sin did I commit?
What deed caused my iniquity?
When was it, to you, I did not submit?

Against me, you have allowed pain and calamity.
Against thee only, I have sinned.
Please, Lord forgive my iniquity.
Unto me, Thy mercies commend.

Willingly, before thee, I kneel and pray,
Of all my many sins, I do repent.
Lord; please take not thy Holy Spirit away.
I will follow only the Christ, you sent.

Accept the praises I will give,
Joyously, I will proclaim your Name.
All my sins, You did forgive.
Now, my life is no longer the same.

There is one thing for sure I know.
Your praises, I will forever sing.
No matter how good or bad things might go.
You will always be my God, my Lord, and my King.

Copyright 2007
Reginald L. Walker

All intellectual property of this author has been copyrighted and all rights are reserved by Pastor Reginald Levi Walker.

(additional information about the meaning of Nabahood23)

Not Anger But Action will solve the problems of our nieghborHOODs.

23 stands for the 23rd Psalms.

P.S. 23 stands for 'God loves you, therefore, I love you, too.'


The Outcast

I will not fear, nor will I be dismayed,
I know I will be saved and delivered from my trials and troubles.
I will have peace and I will not be afraid.
God is with me to save me.
Although, my enemies try their best to destroy me,
I will not be destroyed.
God strengthens me with his presence.
Through God’s power, my enemies are overcome.

My wounds are incurable, my body beyond healing.
There is no one to help me.
There is no cure for my pain.
All my friends have gone and forgotten me,
As if they really cared anyway.
So, why do I cry out over my wound?
Why do I even mention my pain that has no cure?
I have faith in God to strengthen me.
I know I will be saved and healed.
God will restore my good health.
He will heal all my wounds.
I am called an outcast.
I am the outcast for whom God cares.

God will restore my fortunes.
He will rebuild my ruined life.
God will restore my good health.
He will heal all my wounds.
God will stand me in my proper place.
He will establish me as one of his own.
God will bring me home to be with him.
I am devoted to being close to God.
I am the outcast for whom God cares

Copyright 2007
Reginlad L. Walker

All intellectual property of this author has been copyrighted and all rights are reserved by Pastor Reginald Levi Walker.

(additional information about the meaning of Nabahood23)

Not Anger But Action will solve the problems of our nieghborHOODs.

23 stands for the 23rd Psalms.

P.S. 23 stands for 'God loves you, therefore, I love you, too.'


Unanswerable questions

Will I go to heaven or hell when I finally die?
Will I see things I always hoped to see?
Or will life turn out to be
Just a part of someone’s fantasy?
These are the things I wonder about
As I approach the last days of my life.

Who will be there to close my eyes
As I take my last breath?
Will anyone remember the things I did?
Or will they rejoice at the news of my death?
These are the things I wonder about
As I approach the last days of my life.

Did I believe the right things?
Did I say the right prayers?
Did I act, as God wanted me to?
Or did I just play by my own rules.
These are the things I wonder about
As I approach the last days of my life.

Will I ever get the right answers?
Will the questions continue to come to me?
Are there any right answers?
Or will I have to die just to see?
These are the things I wonder about
As I approach the last days of my life.

Copyright 2007
Reginald Levi Walker


All intellectual property of this author has been copyrighted and all rights are reserved by Pastor Reginald Levi Walker.

(additional information about the meaning of Nabahood23)

Not Anger But Action will solve the problems of our nieghborHOODs.

23 stands for the 23rd Psalms.

P.S. 23 stands for 'God loves you, therefore, I love you, too.'

Someone who loves me

The garden where the flowers blooms
Is not one of my most favorite places to be.
It can not compare or even come close
To being with someone who loves me.

The moonlit night with its stars shining so bright,
Nor the sweet sound of a robin signing in the tree,
Can never inspire the feeling I get
From being with someone who loves me.

With morning’s first waking stare
Comes a picture so vividly clear
There asleep on her pillow
Is someone who loves me.

My beautiful princess, God special gift from above
Your beauty is there for me to see.
God deserves all my praise.
He created someone who loves me.

Copyright 2007
Reginald Walker

All intellectual property of this author has been copyrighted and all rights are reserved by Pastor Reginald Levi Walker.

(additional information about the meaning of Nabahood23)

Not Anger But Action will solve the problems of our nieghborHOODs.

23 stands for the 23rd Psalms.

P.S. 23 stands for 'God loves you, therefore, I love you, too.'

Something worth living for

I can feel your mercy upon me.
You faithfully forgave my sins today.
God, you are so loving and kind.
You order my steps so I do not stray.

Along the way, when I often failed
You cleansed me of my sin.
You healed my wounds for me.
I am made whole once again.

Your Spirit works on my inward man.
He teaches me the things I need to know.
I am strengthen and made to stand
In the service of God forevermore.

Please hide not thou face from me.
Increase in me, your joy.
I will serve you until the ending of time.
You gave me something worth living for.

Copyright 2007
Rev. Reginald Levi Walker

All intellectual property of this author has been copyrighted and all rights are reserved by Pastor Reginald Levi Walker.

(additional information about the meaning of Nabahood23)

Not Anger But Action will solve the problems of our nieghborHOODs.

23 stands for the 23rd Psalms.

P.S. 23 stands for 'God loves you, therefore, I love you, too.'

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May I, please, use your bathroom?

The sound of my alarm clock wakes me.
I swing my feet over the side of my bed.
Honey brings me the paper and coffee.
I yawn, stretch, then I rub my  bald head.

I stand up and go to the bathroom.
My paper, under my arm, in tow.
Just as I am coming out of the bedroom.
My daughter closes the bathroom door.

So I grab myself and cock my knees.
I quckly run for bathroom number two.
Just as I am coming down the stairs.
My darling wife closes that door, too.

I am amazed by what just happened.
I turn and rush out the backdoor.
‘Damn, ’ in anger, I shouted aloud
‘In the garage, there is  one more.’

Through the kitchen and out the backdoor
To the garage, as I fast as could, I ran.
I open the door expecting I would finally  sit.
I have been holding this as long as I can.

Just as I enter the garage,
All my plans are undone.
I hear the bathroom door slam shut.
I just got beat there by my own son.

I say to myself, ‘I wish we only had one kid.’
All right, I know where there is one more.
Across the street I hurriedly went.
To the neighborhood convenience store.

Copyrighted 2007
Reginald L. Walker

All intellectual property of this author has been copyrighted and all rights are reserved by Pastor Reginald Levi Walker.

(additional information about the meaning of Nabahood23)

Not Anger But Action will solve the problems of our nieghborHOODs.

23 stands for the 23rd Psalms.

P.S. 23 stands for 'God loves you, therefore, I love you, too.'

The Rock

My soul is in despair.
Nevertheless, my faith continues.
My faith is built upon the Rock,
The Rock is mighty and strong.

My body is growing tired.
My feeble eyes are ready to close.
However, His Word continues to live in my heart,
For the Rock is mighty and strong.

The Rock sits high above the heavens,
He intercedes for my helpless soul.
In the end, He will lift me up to be by His side,
For the Rock is mighty and strong.

Praise be to the Rock,
The Rock of my salvation,
The Foundation of the world,
The Rock is mighty and strong.

Copyrighted 2007
Reginald L. Walker


All intellectual property of this author has been copyrighted and all rights are reserved by Pastor Reginald Levi Walker.

(additional information about the meaning of Nabahood23)

Not Anger But Action will solve the problems of our nieghborHOODs.

23 stands for the 23rd Psalms.

P.S. 23 stands for 'God loves you, therefore, I love you, too.'

Thursday, October 18, 2007

We praise you, O' God

(Sing to the tune of the hymn We praise you, O' God)

We praise you, O’ God.
We praise you for the blessings you bring.
They are wonderful blessings of peace and joy.
They are delivered by angel wing.

We praise you, O’ God.
We praise you for the salvation in you we find.
We praise you for Your Son coming to earth
He took the penalty for mankind.

We praise you O’ God.
We praise you for the price you paid.
You allowed Jesus to stand upon the cross.
He stood for the mistakes we had made.

We praise you, O’ Lord.
In you, we find love, mercy, and joy.
One day, we shall behold your face.
We shall live in your kingdom ever more.

Copyrighted 2007
Reginald L. Walker

All intellectual property of this author has been copyrighted and all rights are reserved by Pastor Reginald Levi Walker.

(additional information about the meaning of Nabahood23)

Not Anger But Action will solve the problems of our nieghborHOODs.

23 stands for the 23rd Psalms.

P.S. 23 stands for 'God loves you, therefore, I love you, too.'


Holy is His Name!

Glory, Glory, Glory Hallelujah!
I will praise His Holy Name.
Glory, Glory, Glory Hallelujah!
I will praise His Holy Name.

I will tell the world all about Him.
I will tell them who my savior really is.
He is worthy of all my praise.
Jesus is His Name.

I will glorify Him by living, as I should.
I will confess all my sins to Him.
I will lay my burdens at His feet.
Jesus will free me of every one.

I will glorify Him by loving, as Jesus did.
I will reach out to the lost untouched soul.
Tenderly, and gently will I
Guide them home to God.

Glory, Glory, Glory Hallelujah!
I will praise His Holy Name.
Glory, Glory, Glory Hallelujah!
I will praise His Holy Name.

Copyrighted 2007
Reginald L. Walker


All intellectual property of this author has been copyrighted and all rights are reserved by Pastor Reginald Levi Walker.

(additional information about the meaning of Nabahood23)

Not Anger But Action will solve the problems of our nieghborHOODs.

23 stands for the 23rd Psalms.

P.S. 23 stands for 'God loves you, therefore, I love you, too.'


Through the many sleepless nights of writing my poems,
One thing I never quite understood.
God could have picked many other people,
To write any of these poems.
Why in the world would He pick me?
Therefore, I listened to the words He put in my head.
These words came straight from God.
As He spoke these words in to my memory,
I just listened and wrote everything He said.

Copyrighted 2007
Reginald L. Walker
All rights reserved


All intellectual property of this author has been copyrighted and all rights are reserved by Pastor Reginald Levi Walker.

(additional information about the meaning of Nabahood23)

Not Anger But Action will solve the problems of our nieghborHOODs.

23 stands for the 23rd Psalms.

P.S. 23 stands for 'God loves you, therefore, I love you, too.'