Sunday, October 21, 2007

Think on this, a poetic series

Think on this:

Man kind!
If man was really kind
We would not treat each other this way.
When that bad thought jumps in our mind.
Think about this before the words we say.

So that a man thinks,
So is he.

When life situations and circumstances try to control how I enjoy life,
I must often remind them and myself who God put in control.
Lucifer is so crafty. He tries to persuade me that he is in control.
Nevertheless, I read Psalms 8.
God put me in control.

Thou made him a little bit lower than Elohim.
And crowned him with glory and majesty.
Thou made him to rule over the works of Thou hands,
And put everything under his feet.

I am mean
I mean what I say.
I say what I mean.
By all means, I stand by what I say
Because my words means everything me.

I say to you, that every careless word that men shall speak,
They shall render account of it on Judgment day.
For by your words you shall be justified,
And by your words, you shall be condemned.

Get a bible that you can understand when you read it
Read your bible to understand it.
God does not need our help to make the sunrise everyday.
Therefore, God does not need help telling you what the Scriptures say.
The Scriptures are so simple that even a fool can not err.
Therefore, if you miss heaven because you could not understand
What you read in the Holy Scriptures, then, it is your fault.

Now these were more noble-minded than those in Thessalonica,
For they received the word with great eagerness
Examining the Scriptures daily
To see whether these things were so.

Think on this, again:

God is good.
I am made in His image and likeness.
Look at me.
Am I good?
On the other hand,
Am I just a waste of skin and bones?
Only two people can answer this question.
One is God and the other is not you.

God saw all that He had made,
And, behold, it was very good.

I use to give hell to everyone along the way.
I forgot for every misdeed, I must pay.
If I wanted something, I stole it.
However, I had a fit the day my house was hit.
Indeed, I had forgot what the Bible does say.
Whatever I plant in the ground, the same shall come back my way.

If you give,
It shall be given unto you.

When life gave me more trouble than I could bare,
I would give trouble to someone for whom I did not care.
It seemed like the more trouble that I caused each day,
The more trouble came back my way.
Indeed, I had forgot what the Bible does say.
What I give out, I will get back one day.

Whatever a man sows
That also shall he reap.

Think on this once more:

A man, one day, got out of his bed,
However, his feet never touched the floor.
You see, this man was dead.
The funeral director took him out the door.
I hope he knew what the bible does say.
We will have to stand before the throne of God, one day.

If anyone's name was not found written in the Book of Life,
He was thrown it to the lake of fire.

Are you prepared?
No matter whom you are,
You will go to heaven.
You will look Him in the face.
The question is
Will you be there to stay?
Everyone does go to heaven.
However, not everyone gets to stay.

Every man, born of a woman,
Must die.

To the doctor, I must constantly go
Because my aches and pains hurt me so.
Gladly, I will take all his pills,
God, I hope they will heal my ills.
To the office for years, I went.
Imagine how much money, I spent.
At last, on my deathbed, here I lie.
God, I wish they will just let me die.
One thing I forgot, in the bible, I read
Jesus can heal me even on my deathbed.

He was pierced through for our transgressions,
He was crushed for our iniquity;
The chastening for our peace fell upon Him,
And by His strips, we are healed.

Think on this, one more time:

My old friends think I am a fool.
To follow Jesus, all around.
My God, He really rules.
He will never let me down.
My old friends come and they go.
They always chase fortune and fame.
Jesus is my real friend, you know.
He knows more than just my name.

Finally, brethren,
Whatever is true,
Whatever is honorable,
Whatever is right,
Whatever is pure,
Whatever is lovely,
Whatever is of good repute,
If there is any excellence,
And if anything is worthy of praise,
Let you mind dwell on these things.

With the words, I say, you might not quite agree.
However, the words I say are my story to tell.
Only I can tell my story the way that it ought to be.
The way I tell my story is what makes it sell.

They overcame him (Lucifer) because of the blood of the Lamb,
Because of the word of their testimony,
And they did not love their life even unto death.

My God, My God why has thou forsaken me.
Are just a few of the words my savior said.
One day, God allows his son to die upon a tree,
Three days later, God raises him from the dead.

Worthy are thou (Jesus), to take the book and break its seals;
For thou was slain and did purchase for God with thou blood
Men from every tribe and tongue, and people and nation.

Why mothers die and fathers cry,
Is something I do not even know.
However, I will believe this until the day I die,
All things will be revealed when to heaven we go.

For the Lamb in the center of the throne shall be their shepherd,
And shall guide them to springs of the water of life,
And God shall wipe every tear from their eyes.

All intellectual property of this author has been copyrighted and all rights are reserved by Pastor Reginald Levi Walker.

(additional information about the meaning of Nabahood23)

Not Anger But Action will solve the problems of our nieghborHOODs.

23 stands for the 23rd Psalms.

P.S. 23 stands for 'God loves you, therefore, I love you, too.'

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