Monday, October 22, 2007


Surrounded by the love of God
To grand and heavenly heights
The spirit of man can soar
Where it touches the reams of heaven.

Surrounded by the love of God
The mind can reason and understand
Things that are unimaginable to the wise,
But in God’s sight foolish knowledge.

Surrounded by the love of God
We can climb the ladder of success
We can reach any pinnacle we strive for
All for the glory of God.

Surrounded by the love of God
God will be please and praise us
Not for what we may do
Rather for the love, we have for Him.

Copyright 2007
Reginald L. Walker

All intellectual property of this author has been copyrighted and all rights are reserved by Pastor Reginald Levi Walker.

(additional information about the meaning of Nabahood23)

Not Anger But Action will solve the problems of our nieghborHOODs.

23 stands for the 23rd Psalms.

P.S. 23 stands for 'God loves you, therefore, I love you, too.'

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