Thursday, October 18, 2007


Through the many sleepless nights of writing my poems,
One thing I never quite understood.
God could have picked many other people,
To write any of these poems.
Why in the world would He pick me?
Therefore, I listened to the words He put in my head.
These words came straight from God.
As He spoke these words in to my memory,
I just listened and wrote everything He said.

Copyrighted 2007
Reginald L. Walker
All rights reserved


All intellectual property of this author has been copyrighted and all rights are reserved by Pastor Reginald Levi Walker.

(additional information about the meaning of Nabahood23)

Not Anger But Action will solve the problems of our nieghborHOODs.

23 stands for the 23rd Psalms.

P.S. 23 stands for 'God loves you, therefore, I love you, too.'

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This is the foreword for the book of poems I wrote. The name of the book is 'A Servant Letter.