Thursday, October 18, 2007

We praise you, O' God

(Sing to the tune of the hymn We praise you, O' God)

We praise you, O’ God.
We praise you for the blessings you bring.
They are wonderful blessings of peace and joy.
They are delivered by angel wing.

We praise you, O’ God.
We praise you for the salvation in you we find.
We praise you for Your Son coming to earth
He took the penalty for mankind.

We praise you O’ God.
We praise you for the price you paid.
You allowed Jesus to stand upon the cross.
He stood for the mistakes we had made.

We praise you, O’ Lord.
In you, we find love, mercy, and joy.
One day, we shall behold your face.
We shall live in your kingdom ever more.

Copyrighted 2007
Reginald L. Walker

All intellectual property of this author has been copyrighted and all rights are reserved by Pastor Reginald Levi Walker.

(additional information about the meaning of Nabahood23)

Not Anger But Action will solve the problems of our nieghborHOODs.

23 stands for the 23rd Psalms.

P.S. 23 stands for 'God loves you, therefore, I love you, too.'


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This song can be performed with the musice to We praise you, O'God